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Category: Windows 10

Windows 10 System Image Manager (SIM) Unattend answer file

Note: OS Used is Windows 10 Creator’s Update Enterprise Trial (Win10CU-EntT) DL ADK 1703 from here: Install deployment tools from ADK which includes Windows SIM.Open PS run this:Go to path of adksetup.exe Run Windows SIM with this command in PS: Mount Windows 10 ISO right click file and Mount.Open…

Windows 10 Start Menu & Taskbar Layout with PPK Provisioning Package

In Windows 10 1703 you can distribute the start menu layout with a provisioning package. First customise the start menu tiles. Below is an example of what I have done Then we can export the layout with PS: Export-StartLayout -Path “C:\imagestore\StartLayout.xml” Lets also include our Taskbar layout to this XML.…