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Category: zArchive

I made my own Desk

I have been searching for a nice desk that I can work on. I didn’t really find anything that fitted in the space i wanted. I decided to build my own using a spare gloss kitchen panel i found in the garage. This panel was a spare from Howdens when…

PowerCLI 6 Released

The new release has a smaller file size [58mb] and has a number of new features. I recently installed v5.8 on Windows 10 Technical preview. It required .Net 2,3 feature to be enabled. The latest version works with .Net 4.5 so no need to enable .net 3 feature. Quicker simpler…

Windows 10 announced

Windows 10 the latest operating system by Microsoft has been announced. There are a number of important features which could be a game changer for Microsoft in the mobile space. An application developed for Windows 10 will work across all platforms such as tablet, phone, desktop, laptop, xbox console. It…

Windows 7 Support ends

Windows 7 Support has ended on the 13th January 2015. Windows 7 is the most common windows OS out there at the moment but this is now likely to change to Windows 8 or even 10 later in the year. Windows 7 extended support however is still available until 2020…