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Imran Qureshi Posts

Install Server 2016 Core as DC, configure AD Account using Powershell

Installing A DC on Server Core uses less resources: Create new VM named DC01 Go through the install Set 30GB disk size Choose Non Gui install once installed type sconfig enable rdp configure name DC01, restart connect to host using rdp type powershell get-windowsfeature Install-WindowsFeature -Name AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools The below…

Hyper-V 2016 Server using Windows Admin Center and Hyper-V Manager on Win 10

Reset RAID: remove logical drives and recreate. 1 x 500GB, 1x 1.3 TB DL Install Hyper-V 2016 server using iLO on a 3ogb partition Run all updates on hyper-v server Create other partitions during disk setup such as 800gb VM Storage and 1TB Disk Storage Install: Win 10 1803 Enterprise…

Setup PowerShell 5.1 Self Signed Certificate and sign Script

Create a self signed certificate on Win10 and PS5.1 The cmdlet generates an ssl cert for testing purposes. Unlike makecert this cannot be used to sign a driver or an application code. Get-Command -Module PKI New-SelfSignedCertificate -DnsName test.vmlab.local -CertStoreLocation cert:\LocalMachine\My -Type CodeSigningCert View the Cert: cd cert: dir cd localmachine…

Powershell Notes – Advanced Tools and Scripting

Course 2 – Advanced Tools and Scripting Instead of real time we will do scripting Make tools to use and share DL scripts from here: Steps to create tools with modules inside scripts and clean them up Automate things you need to do again In Win Server 2012 R2…

Powershell Jumpstart Notes

Microsoft Virtual Academy, MVA 23/06/2017 Getting started with Powershell 3.0 Jump Start Useful Links: Module 1 – Don’t fear the shell set powershell normal as taskbar icon, can right click and start as admin or start ise right click icon in taskbar > properties > shortcut…

SCCM CB 1802 Install

It is assumed that the Environment has a DC running and you have a domain joined Server 2016 for SCCM Server to be installed. Make sure the servers are fully patched A tool is available which automates the prereq installs this is linked at the end of this page. Assumptions:…

Lost network to Hyper-V 2016 after changing virtual switch settings

In Hyper-V Virtual Switch Manager i had unticked “Allow management operating system to share this network adapter” and also enabled VLAN identification. After applying this i lost all network connectivity to the host Hyper-V Server. I had to access it through the console and run PS cmdlet: Get-VMSwitch Remove-VMSwitch “Name…